(Nikon D500, 200-500mm lens; 1/800, f/6.3, ISO140; hand-held; @Gajoldoba, north Bengal, 24/02/23)

(Nikon D500, 200-500mm lens; 1/800, f/6.3, ISO140; hand-held; @Gajoldoba, north Bengal, 24/02/23)
Northern Lapwing (Vanellus vanellus): Also known as peewit, green plover or green lapwing, this strikingly plumaged plover is a winter visitor to Northern India from the temperate Eurasian breeding grounds. Unfortunately, its population has been on the decline and is currently placed in the Near Threatened category of IUCN list. Sport-hunting, hunting for food, wetland drainage, egg harvesting, pollution of wetlands with harmful chemicals and predation are some of the reasons for this decline.